No. Of Students Appeared | 344 |
School Average | 84.14 |
No. Of 1st Divisions | 337 |
Highest Percentage | 98.60 |
Progress eight is now the key indicator of a school's success, replacing the older five A*-C including English and maths measure. A progress eight score of zero is the national average, and schools with a positive progress eight score are shown to have made more progress with their students than the national average. In 2017, our students achieved a progress eight score of +0.19, indicating that the students at Lavington School achieved 1.9 grades higher, on average, than their national counterparts from the subjects counted in the new performance tables.
Sports competitions inculcate the spirit of positive challenges & sportsmanship among the students and prepare them for the life ahead. Sports, Games and Physical Fitness occupy a place of importance in our curriculum. The students are actively involved in Taekwondo, Aerobics, Yoga, Skating, Lawn Tennis, VolleyBall, Badminton and Other on-field sports activities.